Recent Publications 

Politics in a Post-Christian Era

A secular cultural worldview has decisively replaced long-held Christian norms in America. In this post-Christian era, a biblical worldview is shunned by society. American fundamentals embraced by nearly everyone to some degree, have been flipped on their heads. What...

Parental Take Over

In case you were not yet convinced, they want control of your children. If the sexualized targeting of very young children pointed out on these pages in the past were not enough, consider the ongoing political effort to wrestle away control from parents and place it...

Deception on the Ballot

Don’t let the title fool you, there is nothing “fair” about the attempted takeover of Arizona’s elections. Leftists want to overhaul the election process in an effort to tip the scales in their favor, and they’re doing it under the guise of “fairness.” The proposed...

Pity Party Over

More than a week after the election and there is no question that the results brought significant disappointments to our pro-life, pro-family community. It’s not an easy time and it’s a rough road ahead. I usually give myself a day to bemoan a political loss, then it...