Nancy Barto



 Fighting Intrenched Political Activists

Arizona Senator Nancy Barto takes on the tough issues. She doesn’t shy away from legislation that will protect, defend, or improve the lives of Arizonans, even if it ruffles the feathers of entrenched political activists. Where some candidates make spurious or vague claims, Senator Barto has the strong record to back it up.

She advocates for families by protecting their freedoms. Senator Barto fought for the rights of parents to direct the health and education of their children, and to ensure parents are informed about what their children are learning in school. She supported educational options for all Arizona families, and voted for historic tax relief, safe neighborhoods, a secure border, and defending all that women have worked hard to achieve.

Senator Barto also stood up to radical activists and voted to protect children from irreversible gender surgeries. She is a champion of the vulnerable, sponsoring legislation to end painful late-term abortion, and supporting safeguards for the elderly.

Senator Barto will continue to support effective police protections, hold government accountable and stand up to government overreach. She will work hard advocating for excellence in education, relief from the strain of growing inflation, commonsense border security and safe communities.

Senator Nancy Barto explaining her vote on SB 1211. This bill ensures parents have reasonable access to review instructional materials and activities used in their child’s school, including textbooks (print or digital), reading materials, websites, videos, and online applications used for student instruction. This also includes presentations, assemblies, and lectures.

Senator Nancy Barto explaining her vote on SB 1138. This bill protects children struggling with their biological sex from irreversible and harmful surgeries that may increase their risk of suicide. The bill ensures that healthcare providers protect their young patients by precluding them from providing “gender transition” surgeries. 

Barto in the News

Arizona Senate Passes Goldwater-Backed Academic Transparency Reform

Arizona lawmakers and the Goldwater Institute scored a major victory today [March 14, 2022] for parents, students, and the public K-12 education system with the passage of the nation’s most robust academic transparency legislation through the Arizona Senate. Sponsored by state Sen. Nancy Barto, SB 1211 establishes parents’ right to know what is being taught in public schools by requiring those schools to post on a publicly accessible portion of their website a listing of the specific learning materials used at each institution.

Arizona Senate Passes Education Transparency Bill

The Arizona Senate passed a bill this week that would increase academic transparency.

In a 16-13 vote along party lines with Republicans favoring the bill and Democrats opposing, SB 1211 passed.